We hope your student will join us for FUGE Camp 2025!

Parents, please submit all camp online forms/waivers (links below) by the end of the June. You'll need our group registration ID #93837 for the Centrifuge waiver.

Important Info

Dates: July 21-26 (Monday - Saturday)
Location: Jenness Park - 29005 Hwy. 108 Cold Springs, California 95335
Cost: $400
Who's going? Students who have completed 6th-12th grade. 350+ campers are signed up from churches all throughout California.
Camp Speaker: Hunter Tate
Worship Leader: Chloe Montgomery

Video Recap: FUGE 2024

Photos from FUGE 2024

Camp Waiver & Release Forms

Everyone attending camp must submit 2 sets of liability forms for each camper: one from Centrifuge (online) and one from Jenness/OABC (print).

Gather this info before you begin:

  1. Primary Care Doctor's Contact Info

  2. Date of Last Tetanus Shot

  3. List of Medications

  4. Health Insurance Policy Info

You will need our group registration ID # when you complete the Centrifuge waiver and release form. That number is 93837.

To access these forms, click the buttons below:

Waiver #1 - Centrifuge (Online)

Waiver #2 - Jenness & OABC Waiver (Print*)

*Don't have a printer at home? Students can pick up printed forms at youth group on Wednesday nights.

Camp Cost: $400

Deposits ($75/student) due Wednesday, Feb. 5.

Pay Remaining Balance Here

Other Helpful Info

Download additional documents by clicking below:

Packing List

Dress Code

Camp Rules

Jenness Park Map

Missions Offering

You may send some cash with your student for a missions-focused offering, but it is not expected.

Join us on Wednesdays and Sundays!

The OABC Student Ministry exists to connect students (5th-12th grade) to Jesus. We meet on Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00PM and Sundays from 9:30AM-10:30AM.


Our Win

Our mission is to “Connect Students to Jesus”. But we’ve been thinking…how do we quantify that on a practical level? After all, it’s hard sometimes to know when you’re winning with teenagers, you know? Like, is anything we’re teaching actually sinking in? What does it look like when students are actually connected to Jesus? Are teenagers really growing in their faith? This is why we recently decided to go ahead and define the big win for our ministry. It’s the one thing that we, as a ministry, want to achieve. It’s the goal we want to keep in mind at all times. And it’s what motivates and guides everything we do.

It goes like this...We win when a teenager takes a step toward owning their faith in Christ. Now, we say “takes a step” for a reason. It’s because there’s no finish line or certificate of completion when it comes to spiritual growth. Instead, spiritual growth is a journey (a life-long journey) and no two journeys are identical. That’s why our big win doesn’t have anything to do with a specific skill or achievement. Instead, we win anytime we see a teenager take a single step closer to owning their faith.

Our Leaders

We have a strong leadership team for our student ministries. Ryan is the Associate Pastor of Youth, and he has a strong team to make it all happen. This team is made up of Troy Jones, Michael Johnson, and Karen Farrell. You can be certain that each of our leaders have a solid Biblical foundation and a passion for the younger generation.

What We Believe

We believe and teach what the Bible says. For more about what OABC believes, click here